The Magicians Trilogy

Lev Grossman has written three Magicians books about Quentin Coldwater, Brakebills Academy and the magical land of Narnia Fillory. (By the way you can buy a print of the image above here)  The first novel, The Magicians, took familiar tropes from a whole river of fantasy literature and invested in them a seriousness of emotion and consequence that was quite cathartic for me.  In particular, the book plays with C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books which was an intense favorite of my childhood.  I am almost the same age at Lev and the way the Narnia books fired my imagination and my …

Bookmark: Saga

Read first three collected volumes of Saga. UPDATE:  I posted this bookmark back in 2014 and finally picked up Volume 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 halfway through 2018.  It’s gorgeous art just as I remember the first three collected volumes.  I need to pick up the rest of the available volumes pretty soon – best not to wait four years between visits to Saga. October 2019:  Read Volume Nine of Saga.  Feels like its getting to the end of its story?

Bookmark: Tune

I was a big fan of the webcomic Tune by Derek Kirk Kim. I just grabbed the print books – Vanishing Point (book 1) and Still Life (book 2) to re-read. The artist on book 2 was Les McClaine who does a faithful job with the template created by Derek.  It’s a great premise and I enjoyed re-reading it. I searched around to see if there was any talk about further updates — I recall the webcomic went kaput because Derek was focused on the print versions but really haven’t found anything that would clarify whether book 2 was enough …

Titan is an exciting new science fiction webcomic

Really enjoyed reading what’s posted so far for Titan by François Vigneault.  It’s a bit unfortunate that it doesn’t quite have the standard reader friendly website design we’ve all gotten used to but it isn’t too difficult to read.  Vigneault has constructed an immediately interesting world with a tension building scenario.  Workers on Titan are genetically engineered for their environment but can no longer survive on Earth.  Their livelihood is now at stake and management in the form of João da Silva has arrived to try and accomplish a turnaround of the local factory.  Call it a company moon, I guess. It’s not …

Bookmark: Keith Olbermann

[youtube] Keith Olbermann remembers a story of talking to his father about sports and civil rights that is quite moving.  I get it that Keith is a big personality and a bit of a diva at times in his career.  Even I don’t actually watch him regularly most of the time (some of the time though).  But he’s got a talent for talking to the camera.  Not necessarily a talent for getting along with management or owners but… I lived in Southern California when Keith got what had to have been his first really big job doing Sports for …

Bookmark: Spaced

I finally got around to watching the first season of Spaced, the British TeeVee series featuring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and directed by Edgar Wright. I have to say, it is really funny.  Perhaps a little too targeted to my life experience in terms of age and pop culture; it makes me wonder how well it will hold up over the years. Director Edgar Wright is pretty heavily influenced by Sam Raimi and everyone Raimi was influence by.  He’s very inventive and you can see the style he employed on Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim and …

Bookmark: Project Skin Horse

Shaenon Garrity’s webcomic Project Skin Horse is a worthy successor to her first webcomic Narbonic.  Both are wacky takes on mad science with a whole lot of fun mixed in.  It’s the end of the world, maybe, but also stylish. I started over reading this comic and I’m not even halfway through the archives at Comic Rocket, but I have hit the introduction of Tigerlily Jones, the first woman who can resist the charms of main character Tip. What I think Garrity does well besides having an awesome sense of humor is create seemingly cliched wacky characters but then layering …