Wrangling the Family Photo Collection

iphotoI grew up with film not digital cameras.  My whole life has been a constant stream of changes so I’m never surprised at how different things are from childhood to adulthood but it doesn’t make it any easier. Families stored all kinds of FILM capturing memories when I was a kid. That doesn’t mean anything anymore. I do have stuff in boxes but it’s an entirely digital world now.

And how you store that binary code is different too.  At one time it made a lot of sense to back up things on CD-ROMS. Now with the explosion in the size of hard drives (and corresponding decrease in price) and cloud storage it demands a different approach.  Plus we have multiple computers with multiple online accounts to think about.  It’s a #firstworldproblem of course but still real and still something I have about a twice yearly thinking session on.

I still have the now somewhat ancient iMac 2008 which is the closest thing to a hub we have in the family unit.  It had been the home for our iPhoto library — when I redid the iMac and set it up more for the kids that got a bit screwed up.  I also wondered if the large photo library was slowing iPhoto down to the point of uselessness.  Having seen my brother-in-law’s iPhoto set up on his 2004 iMac running just fine I figured I should be able to make things work on the 2008 iMac.  I moved the photo library to an external drive (2TB) and took chunks of the weekend to import the half year or so of photos that are not in the library.

Xaviar Xerexes

I helped create Comixpedia and ComixTalk. Currently working on finishing a lot of unfinished comics and novels.

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